San Giusto Funeral Parlour was established in 2004 in Opicina (Trieste) and became member of the local Consortium “Centroinvia – Skupaj na Opčinah”. Soon after two more Branches opened in the heart of Trieste. The Proprietor, who had already worked in the field for several years, based on the gained experience, decided to expose himself in offering the best possible professional service to the families for whom it is essential having to deal with qualified personnel, capable to understand first of all, the human aspect. The role of San Giusto Funeral Parlour is to indicate to the families, in the best possible way, the path to follow in such a delicate and difficult moment.

In 2008 another Branch opened in Monfalcone (Gorizia) to give the locals an alternative to the Municipal Service, offering a custom made complete service: the transportation of the departed, the funeral preparation, the processing of all necessary documentation.

From 2013 the Firm also supports and sponsor various local Sports Associations.

Throughout the years San Giusto Funeral Parlour has always hired competent staff, currently has ten Operators fully prepared that know how to be professional, knowledgeable and sensible at the same time.


Via di Torre Bianca, 37/A | 34100 Trieste

+39 040.660755

Via dell’Istria, 16/C | 34100 Trieste

+39 040.636995

Via di Prosecco, 18 | 34151 Opicina

+39 040.217134

Via San Polo, 83 | 34074 Monfalcone

+39 0481.411723